Friday 29 June 2012

Bianca's not out of the woods yet!

Bianca is still in hospital following the birth of her and Heath's son, but things still aren't looking good for the new mum.  Theres still tension between the Braxton brothers concerning the release of their dad (Danny Braxton) and Casey is still asking Brax questions about him. 

Bianca is finally well enough to get to meet her new son, but whilst doing so she suffers another seizure and is placed into an induced coma, much to the disagrace of Heath.  Sid runs a few tests on Bianca and find out exactly what went wrong, it is then discovered that a blood vessel ruptured in her brain.  The damage done is unknown, and will not be determined until she is brought out of her coma.

Elsewhere, Dex finally plucks up the courage to tell April that he loves her but all does not go to plan, and due to the current state of Bianca April knocks him back disgraced that he would choose such a bad time to tell her when all she wants is for him to be there for her.

After Lottie arrived on her dads doorstep the night before because of the poor relationship she has with her mum at the moment, she returns home.  Harvey is convinced that it is just teenage drama and nothing to worry about, however Roo is not convinced and thinks it's something more and that there is actually a problem there.

Brax finally opens up about his past with his dad to Casey.  Learning that his dad put Heath in hospital a few times and broke his mums arm.  Despite hearing this though Casey still wants to visit his dad in jail, and retrieves the letter Brax ripped up and put in the bin.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Love Triangle

The love triangle between Dex, Lottie and April is constantly changing and keeping us interested, we're always left wondering who Dex should be with and which couple is more suited, Dex and April or Dex and Lottie.  I still can't decide which way I personally would like it to go.

On one hand theres the history and great connection between Dex and April, they have so much in common, although more recently I feel that April is changing especially after being with Heath.  I hoped that the relationship between Heath and April would last and found the storyline captivating, but now in more recent episodes I'm glad it didn't, so finally Bianca and Heath can get together and so can Dex and April.

However, Dex and Lottie also have a great connection and share so much in common, when he first met her I immediately wanted them to become an item and was so glad when they did.  I thought that Dex was finally over April and was moving on.  Unfortunately for Lottie (fortunately for us) Dex was in two minds later in their relationship as to whether he actually wanted to be with her or whether he wanted to be with April, after speaking to Lottie about this they decide to call it a day on their relationship.  After seeing Dex and April together in the hospital and how much he has been there for her through Bianca's pregnancy and birth of her child, I really hope they finally get back together, I really think they are the perfect couple.

Dex goes to the hospital to tell April how he feels about her and about the recent events of him and Lottie breaking up.  But just as he is about to tell her, Bianca takes a turn for the worst right in front of their eyes.  Will Dex and April ever find their happy ever after? And will Bianca survive?

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Home and Away - Bianca has her baby

After just watching the episode where Bianca has her baby I can safely say it is one of my home and away highlights, such a brilliant episode!  It still has all the drama in it involving the braxton family and the problems with their dad currently being in jail and Heath's plans to try to get him released early.

This episode features Brax (Daryl Braxton) going to visit his dad (Danny Braxton) in jail, in order to see if he has changed, but the conversation doesn't go well and Brax is left convinced that his dad is still the same man he used to be 12 years ago when he was arrested.

During this episode Brax discovers Heath's plans to get his dad released early, but shys away from confronting him about it when he learns that Bianca is having an emergency c-section that afternoon. 

Usually you would never believe that Heath Braxton could ever be scared, but recently since learning of Bianca's pregnancy and his love for her he has slowly been changing and becoming more of the man we always knew he could be.  In this episode you see Heath genuinly scared for Bianca and his kid, especially when Bianca tells him to tell Sid to save the baby first before he saves Bianca much to the disgrace of April however. 

Just before Bianca is about to have her c-section she has a seizure and is rushed in to having it straight away as Heath, April and Irene are left waiting to here the outcome, and whether or not Bianca and her baby have survived.

Eventurally Sid emerges and delievers the excellent news that Bianca and the baby, who is a boy, are both doing well.  Heath is over the moon and meets his new son.

This episode is one of my highlights because, it makes you scared, and at the end extremely happy, its great to finally see Bianca and Heath getting along and acting like the family we all want them to be.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


This post is dedicated to my college girls, Lisa, Lois, Kate and Ellie! For being totally amasing and making college almost bearable! LOVE YOU! xoxox

Favourite Moment from Home and Away!

Home and away is one of my favourite programs in the world, it's one of the few programmes which makes me laugh, cry and extremely happy.  When I am having a bad day just watching an epdisode of home and away allows me to escape from my world and forget about all my troubles.

I have many favourite moments from home and away but my absolute favourite one has to be when Leah is in love with Brax (Daryl Braxton) and when she sees him on the beach, in the moment she makes an awkwward wave only to fall flat on her face in the sand right in front of him! CRINGE!  Personally I couldn't stop laughing at this for ages it was just so funny!

Check it out at :


Hi, this is my first post! (awkward turtle).

My name is Kelly, I am a student studying Journalism.  I decided to start blogging because I was inspired by my friend, who has her own blog.  My blog is going to be about all the things I am interested in, and influenced by!