Wednesday 27 June 2012

Home and Away - Bianca has her baby

After just watching the episode where Bianca has her baby I can safely say it is one of my home and away highlights, such a brilliant episode!  It still has all the drama in it involving the braxton family and the problems with their dad currently being in jail and Heath's plans to try to get him released early.

This episode features Brax (Daryl Braxton) going to visit his dad (Danny Braxton) in jail, in order to see if he has changed, but the conversation doesn't go well and Brax is left convinced that his dad is still the same man he used to be 12 years ago when he was arrested.

During this episode Brax discovers Heath's plans to get his dad released early, but shys away from confronting him about it when he learns that Bianca is having an emergency c-section that afternoon. 

Usually you would never believe that Heath Braxton could ever be scared, but recently since learning of Bianca's pregnancy and his love for her he has slowly been changing and becoming more of the man we always knew he could be.  In this episode you see Heath genuinly scared for Bianca and his kid, especially when Bianca tells him to tell Sid to save the baby first before he saves Bianca much to the disgrace of April however. 

Just before Bianca is about to have her c-section she has a seizure and is rushed in to having it straight away as Heath, April and Irene are left waiting to here the outcome, and whether or not Bianca and her baby have survived.

Eventurally Sid emerges and delievers the excellent news that Bianca and the baby, who is a boy, are both doing well.  Heath is over the moon and meets his new son.

This episode is one of my highlights because, it makes you scared, and at the end extremely happy, its great to finally see Bianca and Heath getting along and acting like the family we all want them to be.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Kel! Its really good! Should keep doing these, even if their not every day just keep sticking with them!x
